The Four Pillars
The Effectiveness Criteria
1. Embedded Commitment
Has a clear commitment to ongoing stakeholder engagement for their entire value chain, and embeds it in the Company's governance, culture and leadership. Vertical Divider
2. Inclusive
Ensures it is listening to a full range of rights-holders across the value chain. 3. Assess saliency
Prioritises stakeholder engagements where its operations have the potential to cause most harm, and those with the greatest potential to have impact upon their business. Vertical Divider
4. Informed Participation
With input from rights holders and taking into account the context, establishes an on-going two-way process that ensures informed participation of stakeholders, overcomes obstacles, and provides capacity building, as needed. 5. Trust and Accountability
Establishes a set of principles and practices to build rights holder trust and accountability: e.g. no bribery, effective grievance mechanism aligned with UNGP 31. Vertical Divider
6. Stakeholder-informed Action Plan
Analyzes information obtained through stakeholder engagement, and formulates a detailed action plan that clear shows it is rights holder informed. 7. Monitoring and
Continuous Improvement Establishes and maintains a robust stakeholder engagement M&E system that includes regular review by rights holders and independent particles. |